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Quitting is for Winners: When to Quit a Job Without a New Job Lined Up career coaching career happiness work life balance Jul 21, 2024

You know what I think is total BS?

The "everyone knows that" advice is that you should never quit a job without a new one lined up. 


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Remote Work: An Enduring Need for Disabled Workers in the Return to Office Era company culture work life balance Jun 12, 2024

When the pandemic happened, everyone suddenly had an accessibility need. For health and safety, every worker needed accommodations. For most of us,...

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Someone Call Poison Control: The Truth About A Toxic Work Environment career coaching company culture work life balance May 07, 2024

Ever navigated through the treacherous waters of a toxic workplace? 

You know - that gross feeling when your office vibes are more draining...

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Is It a Good Idea to Love Your Job? career coaching career happiness work life balance Apr 02, 2024

 If you’ve been hanging out with me for long enough, you know I approach career coaching in a slightly different way. While other...

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Remote Work Does Not Mean PJs All Day work life balance Dec 31, 2023

Remote work from home gets a bad rap in the professional world. 

It’s often painted as “less-than” – less...

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How to Assess Your Work Environment to Maximize Career Happiness career happiness work life balance Nov 05, 2023

The importance of having the right work environment cannot be undersold.  Truly.

In fact, it’s one of the ideas that I explore most when...

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FACTS: Company Culture Affects You Directly career happiness company culture work life balance Oct 08, 2023

Company culture is a big buzzword in the professional realm. And all companies seem to boast that theirs is elite, right?

I mean, just look at most...

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Work-Life Balance: Mythical Concept or Just Misunderstood? career happiness work life balance Sep 05, 2023

Ah work-life balance. The mythical unicorn that just couldn’t be possible, especially when working to advance your career, right?


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